A percepção dos educadores dos colégios da Rede Jesuíta de Educação acerca dos termos centralidade e protagonismo do estudante
This research aims to analyze, understand and show how the protagonism and centrality of the student in the educational context have been seen by teachers at a school in the Jesus Company. It seeks also to understand whether these aspects are being considered from the cura personalis, a proposal to follow-up the student in the Jesuit Education Network (JEN) as visible practices in the school environment. In order to achieve the objective proposed in this study, two important thinkers were sought as a theoretical reference that dialogue about the topic with propriety. Pierre Faure, abrazilian Jesuit, who reflected the issue of a personalized teaching and learning process and Paulo Freire, an educator, who turns his gaze to a precise accompaniment by the educator as a way to make the student climb its protagonism and autonomy. The mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative) was chosen based on the theoretical studies of Laurence Bardin, Jhon W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano Clark. These authors suggest the use of both bibliographic materials and data collection with the subjects inserted in the researched area. Based on the application of this methodological resource, a survey was carried out in the schools of JEN located in different regions of Brazil. Based on the diversity in pedagogical practice, it was possible to ascertain the role of educators in this challenge that the network launched, starting with Common Educational Project, that is, the incentive to the protagonism and centrality of the student within the respective schools. The following conclusions were reached: there is a significant movement in effectiveness of the protagonism and centrality of the student by the faculty in the schools surveyed; this effectiveness, however, still suffers from a more professor centralized and traditional practice; through training practices schools offer alternatives for protagonism and centrality to happen; there are strong remnants of a contentious practice with an emphasis on external approval, as well as movements of centralism in the teacher. It was also noticed that there is a reduction in monitoring the academic-curricular extent; the need for ongoing training that helps to deepen the dimension of monitoring and also this training can take place in a shared way with other school units in the Jesuit Education Network.Nenhuma