Avaliação da durabilidade de painéis de concretos têxteis com utilização de telas de fibras de vidro resistente aos álcalis do cimento
Textile concrete is a material that stands out in the current construction scenario, it is composed of a cementitious matrix and oriented fiber fabrics, the first one having the function of resisting compression efforts, and the second one against traction efforts. The most used fabrics today are composed of alkali resistant glass fibers (AR), since they are more accessible in the market, have a relatively low cost when compared to other textiles and still have good resistance, however they suffer degradation in an alkaline environment. Due to the above, the study of the durability of textile concrete with AR glass fibers was carried out using the accelerated aging method proposed by ASTM C 1560 (2013) in different periods: 0 , 7, 28, 56, 84 and 90 days of accelerated aging. For this, a standard cementitious matrix with the presence or not of short fiber at 1% content was used. Considerable losses in bending and tensile strength were found, along with a reduction in the displacement and deformation capacity of textile concretes when aged by the accelerated method. Also, it was found that the addition of short fiber does not seem to have contributed to the increase in critical loads and breaking loads of textile concretes, as well as to the increase in the deformation capacity of the composite.Nenhuma