Projeto de uma solução habilitante para organizações colaborativas: uma análise da CÓS – Costura Consciente por meio do design estratégico
Presently, we live in a scenario of unsustainability in our production and consumption practices, causing social and environmental impacts that compromise the health of our future. Considered as one of the main causes of these negative impacts, the fashion sector needs an urgent transformation in its work relations. To understand the problem of unsustainability in the fashion chain and seek solutions for healthy transformations, we explore the fundamentals of strategic design and its relationship with the concepts of collaboration, social innovation, creative communities, enabling platforms and their solutions. From this analysis, it was possible to reflect on the characteristics of our object of study, CÓS – Costura Consciente. CÓS is recognized in this research as a collaborative organization that aims to achieve social innovation with sustainable practices in the fashion sector. We assume as significant the understanding of how it emerge and develop, as well as how its collaborative relationships occur and if a social innovation actually occurs. With this premise this research was carried out. The overall objective was to propose an enabling solution that encourages the creation of collaborative production models within the fashion chain. With a methodological strategy research through design, the study began through participant observation in which it accompanied CÓS, in its first year of operation. Qualitative and exploratory in nature, the research continues with the analysis of data collected in field notes, semi-structured interviews and data generated by the group. The analysis was developed through the evidential paradigm method that pointed out evidence for the discussion with concepts of Strategic Design. As a result, the research understood principles and values to awaken, enable and preserve a collaborative organization. The values of Care, Social Innovation and Sustainability, together with the principles of welcoming, belonging, transparency, social responsibility, sharing, collaboration, interdependence and autonomy, were related to the processes and tools used by CÓS in its formalization, for the development of a design that preset a structure to stimulate others collaborative organizations.Nenhuma