Quando a telenovela vira meme: como a Zuera e o Melodrama se articulam a partir dos memes da reprise de Avenida Brasil
The main objective of this thesis is to bring out some reflections on the articulations between elements of Mass Culture and Digital Culture. So, the research departs from the audiovisual centrality and the strategic role of internet memes as major articulators of these two poles. The main hypothesis is that the "Zuera" could be framed as a contemporary media genre, based on the articulations between it and the Melodrama identified in the memes based on Telenovelas that were produced and circulated by audiences in Brazilian digital environments. In this work in particular, the investigation took place from the memes related to the replay of “Avenida Brasil” (2012/2019) that circulated on Twitter during its exhibition. From them, it was possible to propose categories of analysis, to understand some patterns of behavior of the audiences and to investigate the role of "Zuera" within the "Map of Mediations". For this, I started to use the concept of media genre (GOMES 2011; GROHMANN, 2009) because it proved to be the most adequate to the complexity demanded by the collected empirical material. And, in an attempt to articulate the theoretical-epistemological discussion with the Methodology, the methodological procedures had cartographic inspiration (MARTÍN-BARBERO, 2002, 2010, 2014; LOPES, 2018) together with an intersectional approach (CARRERA, 2020). This culminated in a reflection on the current understanding of the concept of media genre, in addition to some tension on the "Map of Mediations" and their intersections with Digital Culture.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior