“Não é ativismo, é jornalismo”: os feminismos do Projeto Celina nas narrativas sobre violência de gênero
This dissertation sought to understand how the practice of feminist journalism occurs, taking as its object the Projeto Celina, an initiative of the newspaper O Globo, created in 2019, aimed at covering issues related to gender, women and diversity. The objective, therefore, was to understand whether and to what extent the feminists of the project's journalists were triggered in the coverage of gender violence - a phenomenon I understand as one of the main consequences of gender inequalities - taking into account that the initiative it is allocated in a traditional newspaper and recognized for a conservative speech. To achieve this goal, the research starts from the understanding of gender as a theoretical-epistemological category (BONETTI, 2012) and journalism as a pedagogical institution and a type of social knowledge, which is, in itself, markedly masculine (VEIGA DA SILVA, 2014). The study is based on two methodological biases: the analysis of the narrative (MOTTA, 2017), applied in the news about gender violence published in the first year of operation of the project; and conducting interviews with some of Celina's journalists. These two methods sought a more comprehensive analysis of Celina's journalistic practice, gathering clues from the communicative interests exposed in the narratives and also the journalists' understanding of gender and feminism. With that, it was possible to realize that, even though the journalists proposed feminist coverage in the project and that in fact managed to break with some masculinist and hierarchical professional norms, the commitment to objectivity ended up presenting itself as a main obstacle in this feminist journalism that would be more affectionate subjectivity, partiality and otherness. This objectivity also proved to be a conduct that ends up limiting the openness of journalists with subjects and realities that are distant from theirs, whether in the proposition of the guidelines or in their own development. Even though there is an effort to cover the intersectional feminism guidelines, considering the gender inequalities in relation to other social markers, Celina's journalists, by denying their subjectivities and their activisms in the news they broadcast, end up legitimizing only the voices of some women and only some types of gender-based violence, which are closer to them as subjects.CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico