A influência da indústria 4.0 e da reforma trabalhista brasileira nas dinâmicas de trabalho de uma empresa do ramo automotivo da serra gaúcha
This master's thesis investigates how technological advances have enabled the development of new ways of consuming, producing and managing, and have maximized the advent of Industry 4.0 making the current system of interaction between the employer and the employee to be rethought, as well as the legislation that rules labor relations. It is noticeable that innovation was implemented in the organizational scope, departments were integrated based on information and communication technologies and production process was facilitated due to the robotization by Industry 4.0. For labor relations to gradually absorb these changes and establish a fruitful link between the employee and the employer, it is necessary to understand the precepts of Industry 4.0 and the new legislative changes provided by Law No. 13,467/2017, which sets up the Brazilian Labor Reform in order to adapt to future trends and the new world of work. This dissertation aims to analyze the influence of Industry 4.0 and the Brazilian Labor Reform on the work dynamics of a company in the automotive industry of Serra Gaúcha. It is a qualitative study of an exploratory level developed through documentary analysis associated with a case study. Thus, it was found that Industry 4.0 can offer several advantages to the industrial segment such as cost reduction, energy saving, increased safety, environmental conservation, minimized errors, the end of waste, transparency and ease in business, increased quality of life and more. However, because of the incidence of robotization and the implementation of specific technologies the worker must seek to improve increasingly to remain active in the labor market. Furthermore, it was found that the consolidation of labor laws has undergone changes precisely because it does not address all the needs of contemporary industry. Regarding that, Industry 4.0 significantly influenced the development and publication of the Brazilian Labor Reform since its restructuring could enhance production, minimize legal demands, expand jobs, develop new functions, increase flexibility and improve the working environment and dialogue between people. Working hours, workplace, hiring, regulatory standards, collective negotiations for incentives and professional training were the aspects most influenced by Industry 4.0. Even so it was also observed that labor laws will need to be reviewed and updated in the future, due to the technological advances that have been implemented over the years. Finally, it should be noted that the legislative changes are not consistent with the whole, therefore it is necessary to keep progressing to ensure that labor relations not only constitute competitiveness in the national market but also maintain the guarantee of minimum workers' rights combined with productive work and the generation of new areas and job profiles.Nenhuma