Cartografia de projetos de aprendizagem: uma proposta de abordagem projetual convivial do design estratégico
The reflection upon education and its purposes is a recurrent, emerging, and central importance issue if we consider the evolutionary and complexified scenario in which we live. (MORIN, 2012). As from this premise, the discussion of this research combines the questioning of the social, cultural, and political function of education through the prism of conviviality (ILLICH, 1976; FISTETTI, 2017; MANZINI, 2017), through the strategical design approach. (MANZINI, 2017). It places education in an ecosystemic perspective (MATURANA; VARELA, 1995; MORIN, 2012; 2015) in which the conviviality become vector for a systemic discontinuity of alienating mechanisms of learning and in the transition to the development of social and cultural transformation of society. According to Illich (1976), the conviviality predicts that the priorities regarding the development of the society be redefined, granting an opening for collaborative relations that are susceptible to a crucial and political communitarian analysis concerning productivity and its means. This opening is consistent with emancipatory learning that organically negotiates and articulates individual and collective skills favoring the democratization of education and the conditions for a culture of learning. (MORIN, 2015). Therefore, the analysis of the theoretical relations of conviviality and social learning linked to the process of design for a reflection upon education proposes integrating elements in consonance with a new culture of strategical design. (MANZINI, 2017). In this flow, the thesis presents a cartography proposal of learning projects as a convivial tool to guide the planning of learning processes in the school context. The cartography of learning projects is a projective approach of strategical design, understood as a social technology in the convivial tool's perspective. The proposal of social learning reframed by the conviviality searches to contribute to more sustainable futures by enhancing the action design mode in the political, social, and cultural ambit, promoting ruptures of thinking models that endorse the functional and monolithic determinism of the school context.Nenhuma