Os determinantes da eficiência técnica como elementos de aprimoramento da gestão estratégica hospitalar: estudo em hospitais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)
The present study evaluated the contribution of TE determinants in improving hospital strategic management. The sample consisted of 226 hospitals in Rio Grande do Sul linked to SUS. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) method with guidance for product maximization and variable return was used to measure the technical efficiency and the Tobit regression model was used to identify, by including explanatory variables, the determinants of technical efficiency and assist in the analysis of hospital strategic management practices. From the results obtained, it was found that in 2017, 40 hospitals (18%) were considered 100% efficient, increasing to 42 the number of efficient hospitals in 2018. Despite the increase in the number of hospitals, the average TE presented a slight reduction from 74.87 in 2017 to 74.45 in 2018. Among the 7 explanatory variables analyzed, 4 were considered significant and with negative coefficient. The rate of households with sewage and running water presented the highest level of significance, and the lower the more efficient it will be. The proportion of physicians per team, on the other hand, demonstrated that the proper distribution of the team is a significant factor for efficiency, allowing conscious use of resources and reducing idleness. This study presents information on the use of available resources, allowing the improvement of the hospital management strategy and creating information elements to make the decision process more assertive.Nenhuma