Parâmetros projetuais de desempenho e de construtibilidade de revestimento cerâmico não aderido em fachadas
This dissertation addresses the design of ceramic tiles not adhered to façades, which are fixed to the support base by means of a metallic structure that, when positioned, creates an air chamber that can be ventilated or not. This construction system can be used in both new buildings and retrofits. Better performance conditions can be achieved through decisions such as: the width of the air chamber and its degree of opening, the use or not of thermal insulation. Constructibility, on the other hand, can be promoted through definitions such as: the adoption of systems with the least number of components or the standardization of façade elements. This work aims to systematize the main information for decision making in ceramic tile projects not adhered to façades with a focus on performance and constructability, in order to make the process simpler and more efficient. The steps that make up the method are as follows: bibliographic research, in which the main information about the system was compiled; systematization of said information in technical tables, in order to create design parameters; definition of graphic and descriptive documents to be presented in the preliminary study, preliminary draft and executive project; presentation and analysis of elevations and construction details that should constitute the executive project. The adoption of design parameters, as well as the definition of its scope in the main phases, adds quality to the design activity and to the construction process, preventing any interruptions due to lack of definition or lack of specifications. In addition, as a result, there is a direct impact on costs due to the lower incidence of waste of materials and labor time, as well as rework or incidence of pathological manifestations over the life of the building. Other benefits that can be achieved are: meeting the performance expected by the user, energy efficiency of the building and simplicity in the system assembly process.Nenhuma