Educação permanente em saúde mental : processos formativos na perspectiva da reabilitação psicossocial
The present Thesis deals with continuing education in health from the perspective of mental health, from a Foucaultian inspiration. It aimed at problematizing mental health professionals' daily formation in their services, based on the changes in the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, with a temporal cut-off period from 1987 to 2019, as they are part of the political framework in the field. Therefore, a documentary analysis of National Conferenceson Mental Health, National Policyon Mental Health and National Policyon Permanent Health Education was performed. As a result of such procedure, two categories of analysis were created, dealing with the possibility of building a psychosocial education engaged in psychosocial rehabilitation processes and governance technologies that are operated in mental health training. The analyses allowed for there alization that the construction of a new social place for psychic suffering allows for self-management of treatment and, consequently, of behaviors related to rehabilitating processes, which take place through insertion into work and strengthening of the subject's social bonds with psychic suffering, as well as management and responsibility for his/her own health and risks by health teams and by the users of mental health services themselves. The research concludes bystating that the management speeches, present in the policies, act with the purpose of developing in the individuals involved in the field, abilities of autonomy and accountability for their actions in occupational and social activities of life, which makes the Thesis defend that, the policies of mental health and permanent education in health when operating through management strategies activate, both in professionals and subjects with psychic suffering, self-conducting competences according to principle of autonomy.Nenhuma