Docência cuidadosa: produção de sentidos em obras pedagógicas acadêmicas
This thesis has as main objectives: to know and analyze the meanings of teaching and care, identified in three works of academic and pedagogical literature; and to examine how the meanings identified and analyzed in the three works contribute to the constitution of a teaching way of being and acting. These objectives are linked to movements that cannot be separated from what time and its present propose for teaching, care and training. In this sense, looking inside the senses evoked in the analyzed works allows us to better understand how we are summoned to conduct our ways of being and acting in order to exercise teaching. In the case of this thesis, the following works were analyzed: O mestre ignorante - Jacques Rancière (2007), O mestre inventor - Walter Kohan (2014) and Esperando não se sabe o quê: sobre o ofício de professor - Jorge Larrosa (2018). Documents are taken in their conditions of possibility as producers of meanings in the relationship between subject and truth. In the perspective of Jacques Le Goff (the document understood as a monument, through which it is possible to identify discursive tracks that need to be organized in sets and analyzed). Based on the post-structuralist perspective, the thesis is similar to the studies developed by Michel Foucault on the care of the self, to analyze the teaching ways of being and acting in the relationship between subject and truth. The care of the self is understood as a concept-tool for the analytical exercise. The thesis defended is that, in academic pedagogical works, a careful teaching is produced, a teaching in which the teacher is called upon to look at the other in a certain way. Furthermore, a form of teaching in which the teacher is called upon to look at himself in a certain way. To support the thesis of careful teaching, we seek to examine how the meanings of teaching and care identified in the three works contribute to the constitution of this careful teaching. The thesis is an invitation to look at teaching linked to ways of being and living; a proposition for thinking about teaching as a way of life, which establishes a relationship with the teaching ethos and that, as this will provoke, thinking about teaching as a way of life or, as Foucault proposes, as an aesthetic of existence.Nenhuma