A influência do ordoliberalismo e da economia social de mercado no Brasil: uma perspectiva através dos acordos de cooperação com Alemanha e das fundações Konrad Adenauer e Friedrich von Naumann
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Klein, Caroline Rippe de Mello
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This work studies the in a practical conception way of the economic relations and orientations that Brazil adopted during the initial period of the civil-military regime with capitalist West Germany in the 60s and 70s, following the Ordoliberal and Social Market Economy (SME) theories as guidelines for thinking about the country's political and economic issues. It is important to observe that the objective here is not to declare that the Brazilian dictatorship was ordoliberal, it would be a huge mistake, because this was a highly statesman regime, but it ended up being influenced through the cooperation agreements throuh the State, and mainly through the think-tanks Institutes that they worked with other politicianst and intellectuals in Brazil. This thesis offers an overview of the main agreements between these two countries the influence of Friedrich von Naumannand Konrad Adenauer Institutes in this process. Ordoliberal and ESM theories emerged in Germany in the middle of the two Great Wars, with ORDO magazine: Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Yearbook of the daily and social order) as the main spreader of these ideals intellectually. Thus, the objective here is to analyze how these ideas and practices enter into Brazilian political and economic thinking, reflected in the bilateral agreements made by both nations in the aforementioned period through a chain of intellectuals, whether or not they belong to the official policy of the State. For these purposes, the supplementary documentation of the research are the reports of technical and capital cooperation present in Auswartiges Amt, together with the documentation referring to Brazil that is at the Konrad Adenauer Institute and Friedrich von Naumann, realizing how this relationship was oriented by the State on one hand, and by intitutes on the other. Based on the confluence of these ideas we are trying to clarify better what would be called the “Rhenish model” and that of “Freiburg”, we try to observe how German policy was oriented and self-projected on developing countries, as it is believed that the form in which the international relations between Brazil and the FRG articulated have much to do with the way in which the German State itself was guided, daring to say that a good part of the FRG's investments corroborated for the so-called Brazilian economic miracle. It is through research in diplomatic sources between Brazil and Germany through cooperation systems and programs, that both nations end up establishing conections in the technical and scientific sense, especially with regard to the construction of major works and the uses of nuclear energy in Brazil. In relation to the institutes, they were linked to the State, molding it in favor of what they believed to be the most correct in their belief, at the same time that they promoted projects and activities without state supervision.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior