Proposição de um método para a elaboração do plano mestre de produção no contexto da indústria metalmecânica
The competitiveness of the market poses the challenge of using resources properly. Additionally, the automotive industry has increasing the number of models to be produced, with smaller batches and shorter project lifes. Therefore, it is necessary the production planning, scheduling and control methods are constantly improving, looking for better results. The objective of this thesis is to propose a method for creating a master production scheduling, in environments with a wide variety of products, with a logical step by step process, since the input data, going through capacity and demand analysis and the definition of the quantities of the master production scheduling, up to the production schedule and the definition of the production parameters. This method helps the decision making process, regarding the factory planning and aims to stabilize the production. Also, it aims to delevop a conceptual approach for capacity and demand analysis and grouping the part numbers in product families, with distinct approaches, for different needs, even in the same company. The theoretical foundation is based essentially on the review of the hierarchical production planning, evaluating the planning levels (strategic, tactical and operational) and the connection of the decisions at these levels; and the master production schedule, evaluating the freezing horizon and the impacts on inventory and service levels. The gap in the literature, about these terms, is perceived, considering the capacity restrictions and demand variations existing in real environments. The research method used is Design Science Research, with the develop process of the artefact proposed. After the elaboration of the artefact, it is evaluated in two ways: the application in a real environment, in a company of the metallurgical sector and the evaluation of specialists, with a Focus Group process. After these evaluations, new analyzes and new versions of the artefact were generated. Finally, the final version of the artefact is presented, with two cycles (updating cycle and revision cycle), tested in a real environment, with defined steps for the capacity analysis (and the possibility to define the bottlenecks), the grouping of the part numbers in product families, the review of the production parameters, the evaluation of defined indicators, and the responsible professionals for each stage, assisting the factory planning decision process.Nenhuma