Consumo sustentável: aperfeiçoamento das práticas de descarte de resíduos recicláveis
The disposal of recyclable waste is a mass activity, carried out in all places by everyone and is an input to the recycling process. If a practice of discarding to be performed erroneously, it will make all the work of the recycling chain that follows impossible. Therefore, this work aims to understand the practice of disposing recyclable waste from consumers in Porto Alegre, improving recycling performance. In addition, it verifies how the dimensions of the disposal and becomes an alternative to the model as the disposal of waste is viewed and conducted. Based on the Practice Theory and the concepts of sustainable consumption, the disposal procedure was detected with a focus on habit, without day and day and with routine of people and less focusing on individuals and their particularities. Using as bases of exploratory qualitative research, the respondents went through four steps to better understand the routine: an electronic diary to report the day to day with the waste; an in-depth interview; in building a framework, create a script created by the previous steps. This model was verified as four dimensions of the waste disposal process. Finally, based on this framework, four best practices were applied - to test or impact this model on people's routine. The intervention was measured by analyzing the waste generated, in fact. In addition to the understanding synthesized by the four dimensions of waste disposal - which is an important contribution, as shown by the recycling performance figures approximately 50% better than the average that it has, in general, in the city of Porto Alegre. As selected combined they have a positive practical effect on the quality of disposal. In addition, it emerged as particularities from residence to residence, or that manifests a difference in habits and routines of residence, confirms the benefits of looking through the Practice Theory.Nenhuma