Facada news: percorrendo a pós-verdade, a desordem informativa e as notícias falsas no twitter sobre a facada em Bolsonaro
In September 2018, Adélio Bispo de Oliveira stabbed, at the time, candidate for President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro and soon after confessed what he did. The narratives that the crime was not an isolated act emerged promptly and in several media, whether through traditional fake news, memes, comments, hashtags or suggestive messages, such as I found in tweets. I went through the terms “facada bolsonaro”, in specific days, to mention that, if they did not explicitly bring fake news, they helped to promote or reinforce the information disorder. It was possible to perceive not only that the fake narratives about the stab continue, even with the official information and with the filing of the process, but mainly in how they are reinforced. With this wandering experimentation, I had contact with a post-truth environment and was able to work with concepts that are used in research on fake news, such as echo-chambers, hate speech, filter-bubble and polarization – in addition to proposing theoretical and methodological possibilities that seek to overcome the idea of division. As theoretical intercessors, I mainly use Walter Benjamin, Vilém Flusser, and Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari. The work, in this experimentation, was structured as a constellation that proposes a map, a way of understanding about the researched phenomenon – fake news and post-truth: these terms were treated and tensioned from what the object of study asked for; such an approach also allowed epistemological questions and proposals on research methods in communication, marked by distant observation.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior