Os dirigentes dos clubes de futebol em Caxias do Sul : formação e memórias de uma elite regional (1968-1989)
In this dissertation, the presidents of Sociedade Esportiva e Recreativa Caxias do Sul and Esporte Clube Juventude, professional football clubs of the city of Caxias do Sul, are studied through oral statements, obtained through interviews conducted by the researcher with these former leaders. The time cut adopted was the period between 1968 and 1989, in which considerable changes occurred in the sports field of Caxias do Sul. Among these changes there are the temporary merger between the football departments of Grêmio Esportivo Flamengo, name used by Caxias since its foundation in 1935 until 1975, and Juventude, process which generated Associação Caxias do Sul de Futebol, active between 1972 and 1975; the construction of their stadiums Alfredo Jaconi and Francisco Stédile; the name changing of Caxias; and the participation of both clubs at First Division of Brazilian Football League. Thus, the objective of our dissertation is to analyze the memories and narratives of these presidents, the recruitment and consequent formation of the managing field in professional football of Caxias do Sul and these leaders’ insertion in processes changing of structures in football clubs of the city. Initially, we sought to analyze the context of these two associations’ emergence and the development of football in the studied field, placing the sport and these clubs in a historical, political, social and economic local dimension. Afterwards, we investigated the recruitment and entry of these leaders into the studied clubs. Finally, we dedicated ourselves to analyze the memory construction of these leaders and the consequent image projected from the position of power established within the sports association.CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico