Por uma ética em Heidegger: a fundamentação ontológica para o agir ético
This thesis aims to identify the existential conditions for the moral experience based on Martin Heidegger's philosophy, putting in evidence the necessity of conceiving an ontological ground for ethical action. Once Heidegger situates ethics in the ontic sphere, it is argued that, prior to ethics, there is an ontological instance, which establishes both the conditions and the limits through which the ethical action becomes possible. And insofar as existential analytic is conceived as a prior instance to morality, the ethical action is understood from an original ontological ground, as an answer given by the proper Dasein to the task of existing. Initially, it is approached the overturning of the fundamental ontology into a metontology, indicating the metaphysics of existence as the domain in which the question of an ethics may be addressed through heideggerian philosophy. Once metontology makes possible to take regional ontologies as philosophical problems, it is in the domain of the metontological-existentiell questioning that ethics may become thematic in the light of fundamental ontology. Hereinafter, it is intended to establish a relation between ethics and ontology, putting in evidence existential analytic as a pre-reflexive instance, prior to morality. Ethical situations emerge always to factical Dasein, reason why philosophical thinking needs to be able to address the particularities in which singular Dasein is always thrown. Finally, it is intended to argue that, in the way Heidegger understands ethical action, it has an original ontological ground, which involves a way of being, and concerns to the how that follows Dasein's ethical behavior, expressed in being-ethical-in-the-world as an existential.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior