Processos de resistência e construção de subjetividades no pensamento feminista negro: uma possibilidade de leitura da obra Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment (2009) a partir do conceito de imagens de controle
The main goal of the following work is to introduce sociologist Patricia Hill Collins’ thoughts as a possible critical theory approach to understanding how the lack of social rights for black women is built. It also aims at presenting Collins main theoretical contributions to the Law studies. The hypothesis presented by this research is that black women’s multitudinal experience can be read as an analytical key to understanding how the subjectivation process of subordinate groups happen. This is a descriptive research, its main method being the bibliographic survey. I conclude by showing how the resistance processes built by black women are fundamental to the building up of social changes that can effectively affect the current panorama of rights suppression and inequalities that we experience in nowadays societies.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior