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dc.contributor.advisorFronza, Cátia de Azevedo
dc.contributor.authorBastos, Sabrina Cecília Moraes
dc.description.abstractThe teaching of adolescents who serve social-educative sentences is part of the schooling process complex panorama of adolescents in the elementary school final years. These students present at least two years of school discrepancy and they are from contexts of social vulnerability, low education level and consequent difficulties in social practices of reading and writing. They are exposed to risks of sexual exploitation, crime, and marginal lifestyle. In contact with this reality, the objective of this study is to analyze the representative phenomena expressed by adolescents who serve social-educative sentences and are attending the final years of elementary school. The research was developed concerning qualitative ethnographic methodology (SILVERMAN, 2009; FLICK, 2009). The research procedure was through group interview, which is called round table. It was developed regarding students’ verbal manifestations, from topics guide (GASKEL, 2003) and through the technique of association of ideas, which is based on constructivist epistemological assumptions (SPINK, 2013). The data were analyzed considering the Theory of Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 1978; JODELET, 1993; 2017; 2018), aspects related to language are approached through concepts of discourse, dialogism and doctrine of refraction, based on Bakhtin/Volochinov (2006) and Faraco (2009), correlated to Cultural Studies (Hall, 1997), educational perspectives of adolescents in conflict with the law (CRAIDY, 2012; 2015), of in/exclusion (SANTOS, 1999; LOPES, 2007) and difference (SILVA, 2000). The words of the adolescents demonstrate practical knowledge of daily life with rejection to school, to ideas that social life is not worth and the option for infringing acts, by criminality identification, when these young subjects recognize themselves as "included". They recognize that school attendance during the sentence was good, because they have made progress in their schooling paths. About mother-tongue classes, related to their school experiences, the adolescents represent classes as something that is not meaningful to them.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAdolescentes em conflito com a leipt_BR
dc.subjectAdolescents in conflict with the lawen
dc.title“Na escola, o cara tinha que ficá quieto, olhando pro quadro e escrevendo. Na rua, eu fazia o que eu queria” : fenômenos representativos de adolescentes em conflito com a lei sobre as aulas de língua materna, escolarização e abandono escolarpt_BR

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