Impacto do gerenciamento de reclamações no comprometimento organizacional, envolvimento e engajamento no trabalho: um estudo em centros de serviços compartilhados
This study has as its main aim the investigation of satisfaction regarding the complaint management through perceptions of the three kinds of justice (distributive, procedural and interactional) and its consequent impact in the organizational commitment, involvement as well work engagement. In order to investigate the satisfaction concerning complaint management, a model developed and tested by Tax, Brown and Chandrashekaran (1998) was used and adapted for the context of Shared Services Center (SSC). Through the model proposed, the impact of the satisfaction of the post-complaint in the organizational commitment, involvement as well as the work engagement was also investigated. The data was collected from internal clients (employees from branches which use the services provided by SSC) through a survey which resulted in 172 valid answers analyzed by using the structural equation modeling whose obtained results confirmed five out of six of the hypothesis proposed in this study. According to the found results, hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed; which forecasted a positively significant impact of the distributive and procedural justice in the client satisfaction level towards the complaint management. Hypothesis 4, 5 and 6, which had forecasted positive and important impact of the satisfaction with the complaint management on the organizational commitment, involvement as well as work engagement were also confirmed. The procedural justice had a stronger impact in the satisfaction than in the distributive one; whereas the interactional justice had insignificant effect. Yet, the post-complaint satisfaction had stronger effect on engagement. The results of this study provide valuable reflections for managers and SSC professionals.Nenhuma