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dc.contributor.advisorStreck, Danilo Romeu
dc.contributor.authorLodi, Leonardo Camargo
dc.description.abstractThe present study makes a re-encounter with the Latin American pedagogy, when announcing, to visualize the experience of Salomé Ureña de Henríquez (1850-1897). The Dominican was born in the city of San Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic. In addition to being a poet and teacher, she was present at the Amigos del País - where she received, in 1878, the medal that named her as the country's national poet. The poet grew up and experienced a time of conflicts and internal wars, at which time her country sought the independence of Americans and Spanish. Thus, Salomé Ureña, in her writings, announces and denounces the internal conflicts of his homeland and his longing for a better world in her country. In this way, from the poetic work Poesias Completas, the study analyzed and identified the contributions of Salomé Ureña de Henríquez to Latin American education. Then, as specific objectives the study sought to problematize and analyze the possibilities of (des)coloniality of being, knowledge and power in the life and poetic work of the author, especially in the epic poem Anacaona. For the study, the content analysis (BARDIN, 1977; MINAYO, 1994) and the literary analysis (STAIGER, 1969; SALVATORE D’ONÓFRIO, 1990). As results it was possible to identify that the poetic work of the Dominican is centered in the fight for social justice, mainly, in the search for the right to the education of Dominican women; in an attempt to distance domestic conditions and devotion from the girls and women of that time; in the search for the liberation of an oppressed people who suffered with the invasion in their lands of the North Americans and the Spanish; the importance of the power of the word in her writings to the liberation of Dominican Republic people; and in the visibility of women writers of the epic, who are genuinely identified as gender destined for men, Salomé Ureña breaks this paradigm by writing the epic Anacaona.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação latino-americanapt_BR
dc.subjectLatin american Educationen
dc.titleSalomé Ureña e educação latino-americana : contribuição para uma pedagogia (des)colonialpt_BR

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