O Sistema Regional de Inovação do Amazonas com foco na Interação Universidade Empresa Estudo de caso das empresas do subsetor bens de informática do Pólo Industrial de Manaus
Piñeiro, Shirlei Regina Vilar da Costa
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The present work aims to reveal if the Regional Innovation System (RIS) of Amazonas has performed efficiently in the relationship established between the companies of the computing goods industry (CG) and universities from that state in the process of technological innovation, considering the Information Technology Law and the laws belong to Manaus Free Trade Zone (MFZ). Initially to do so, a review of the literature was carried out, addressing concepts of innovation, national and regional innovation system, and university-company interaction with the purpose of guiding research. In the second moment was realized the collection of secondary data, referring to the actors that make up the regional and to the regional indicators of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) of Amazonas. In addition, to illustrate the research the third point was made a quantitative research with the companies in the information technology subsector of MFZ, as well as qualitative interviews with RIS actors to integrate data analysis. It was revealed that, although it has a complete organic structure, RIS-AM, focusing on the University-Company Interaction of the CG sub-sector, is potentially inefficient and with little dynamicity in the relationship between the scientific and productive poles. It was also verified that only 8% of the universities have a relationship with the companies of this sub-sector and that 2% of the resources from the tax incentive of the Information Technology Law are used to formalize agreements with the academy, through actions linked to four Research Groups, all belonging to the Large Knowledge Area of Engineering. It was also observed that, although increasing investments in C&T in the state, the companies place the universities in 13th position, as an important source of information for technological innovation.FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas