(Re)pensando a inovação e o conceito de inovação inclusiva: um estudo do movimento maker no Brasil à luz da teoria ator-rede
The objective of this study was to understand how the concept of innovation, especially that of inclusive innovation, can be redefined through the analysis of the maker movement in Brazil in the light of the Actor-Network Theory (ANT). For that, the work problematized the dominant literature in the field of innovation in view of the inclusive innovation concept. From this problematization, qualitative research was carried out following the theoretical-methodological precepts of ANT. The data analysis was carried out mainly in the light of the methodological concept of hinterlands, through which were mapped the shared practices among the actors of the network of the maker movement, as well as the sets of relations that had not yet stabilized as practice, from which was also possible to map controversies in this movement in Brazil. The research findings show that the maker movement is performed by a network of imbricated practices and anchored by the practice of 'making', that destabilize the black box of manufacturing, opening space to rethink innovation in this early century. The study of this network in Brazil points out that, although its 'central' actors promote the inclusion of an audience that, from the maker spaces, has access to innumerable possibilities of creation before inaccessible, other actors, historically excluded from the debates of innovation, still remain excluded of this movement. Bringing the political dimension of innovation to the fore, the study proposes a deepening in the concept of inclusive innovation, inaugurating an agenda for future studies that problematizes the literature about this concept, inviting to rethink it from critical approaches, capable of offering significant and relevant advances not only for academic debates, but also for the development of public policies, especially in less developed countries.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior