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dc.contributor.advisorChishman, Rove Luiza de Oliveira
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Sandra de
dc.description.abstractThis study that is inserted in the interface between Frame Semantics (FILLMORE, 1982, 1985) and Electronic Lexicography aims at investigating the conceptualizations for disabled athlete in the Paralympic context based on the theoretical contribution of Frames Semantics, standing the notion of frame out as an appropriate theoretical model to understand these different conceptualizations. In addition to this investigation, we intend to identify the extent to which frames of persons with disabilities, external to the Paralympic context, manifest themselves in this conception to be investigated. Considering that this work is linked to the development project of the Dicionário Paraolímpico, this research also intends to provide the necessary background for the establishment of project strategies. Thus, the methodology is divided into two stages: the first, which corresponds to the investigation stage of the network of concepts that describe the conceptualizations for the Paralympic athlete; and the second, which corresponds to the study of the lexicon and the confirmation of the conceptual network presented. For this, it uses the methodological contribution of Corpus Linguistics, establishing the collection of two types of corpora: corpus of support and corpus of study. The first corpus is composed of literatures referring to the history of the Paralympics, the movement of people with disabilities, official documents and videos, being kept in two separate subcorpora. In the first place, this information is analyzed, obtaining an understanding of the two contexts, the relationship between them, and how the athlete conceptions were constructed over time. Based on this, two conceptual maps are created that organize this information regarding the contexts of the Paralympic and the disabled person. From the maps, the frames are identified and a gloss is elaborated for each frame. The relationships between the frames are visualized through a Frame Grapher, created based on Framenet ([2013]). The second corpus, composed of journalistic texts from the period of the 2016 Paralympic Games, is examined. Using the Sketch Engine tool, an analysis of the lexicon of the Paralympic context is done to confirm the conceptualization network presented in previous step and the identification of new possible frames. From this, the network of conceptualizations related to the Paralympic athlete frame is updated and glosses of the new frames are elaborated. The analysis and discussion of the data was based on the information obtained through the analysis materials and had the purpose of confirming the conceptualizations related to the Paralympic athlete frame. The outcomes showed that, in the Paralympic context, there is a particular conception of athlete that approaches the conception of Olympic athlete. But, on the other hand, there are remnants of frames of the disabled person in their conceptualization by society. The analysis showed a considerable use of words and expressions whose use is discouraged by the movement of people with disabilities, so that for the Dicionário Paraolímpico, the adopted corpus methodology will have to be rethought.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectAtleta paraolímpicopt_BR
dc.subjectParalympic athleteen
dc.titleO atleta com deficiência no contexto paraolímpico: uma análise dos frames que entram no jogopt_BR

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