Critérios comportamentais usados na triagem clínica de doadores de sangue no RIO GRANDE DO SUL
The main objectives of this study were: a) Calculate the proportion of unqualified candidates for blood donation due to their sexual risk behavior at seven macro regions of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) in the year of 2016; b) Compare the incidence rates detection of AIDS of those macro regions against the percentage of candidates excluded due their sexual risk behavior; c) Verify if the proportion of the excluded from blood donation for this reason varied between 2009 and 2016 on the State's main blood center and between the months of 2016 at RS. the percentage of clinically unqualified men and women for blood donation at RS macro regions called “South”, “Sierra”, “North”, “Valley”, “Missioneira”, “Midwest” e “Metropolitan” were calculated from HEMOPROD worksheets, received from State’s hemotherapy services. AIDS data were obtained from the RS State HIV/AIDS Bulletin. In the analysis, Pearson's chi-square with adjusted residuals test were used and the prevalence ratios were calculated by Spearman's correlation. The percentage of excluded candidates due their sexual risk behavior were compared to AIDS data by Spearman correlation. The prevalence of donor exclusion by risk behavior was 8.8% at RS. Comparing to the “South” macro region, the proportion of candidates excluded due to their sexual risk behavior was 42.2 higher at “Metropolitan” macro region; 27.1 at “Midwest” macro region; 26.1 at “North” macro region; 21.3 at “Valley” macro region; 12.6 at “Missioneira” macro region and 6.9 at “Sierra” macro region (p <0.001). The results show that the probability of a man to declare some sexual risk behavior is 3.2 higher than a woman (p<0.001). Considering the seven macro regions, a strong correlation was found between AIDS incidence rates and sexual risk behavior, declared by the blood donors in clinical screening (rs = 0.895; p <0.001). The percentage of excluded candidates by risk behavior at RS in 2016 was higher in November and December (p<0.001). The data from the State's main blood center shows that the non-qualification by the sexual risk behavior decreased 66.2% from 2009 to 2016, followed by the reduction of AIDS incidence rates in this period, which is strongly correlated (rs = 0.738, p<0.05). The percentages of clinical unsuitability by sexual risk behavior, calculated at RS and the seven State's macro regions can be considered into future studies about the causes of clinical unsuitability of candidates for blood donation at RS. The results also suggest to intensify preventions measures against HIV/AIDS epidemic, mainly at “Metropolitan”, “Midwest” and “North” macro regions.Nenhuma