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dc.contributor.advisorGhisleni, Ana Cristina
dc.contributor.authorGan, André Ricardo
dc.description.abstractThere are countless studies about the good and old school, and former thoughts are brought up to discussion. The ones of a classical era when learning was used as a way to develop human beings based on good and old behavior. That school, ideologically created to control, no longer has the same effects from the past, and not as well can be presented as an ideal model to our society. There is countless evidence of an educational system that fails in its role. Then, we ask: what role is this? Which concept of knowledge is our practice based on? Teaching our children to read, write and tell? Teaching them about social rules? Some would say yes, others would affirm that it is an outdated issue; however, the huge contradictions that are still framing our school work make us realize that the school is no longer the same, as well as the people who attend it. One of the alternatives for education to keep fulfilling its role is to develop teaching projects based on the students’ human and social conditions. Considering this, the present work intends to analyze the development of a project in a Jesuit school, Colégio Santo Inácio in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to studying documents of the institution, interviews with 6th to 9th grade teachers and coordinators. The theoretical references for this analysis are based on four concepts: Curriculum in Arroyo (2013), Educational Praxis in Freire (1996), Autonomy in Sousa Santos (1991) and Social Protagonism in Perrenoud (2000). Furthermore, the way they emerge and are implemented in this educational project will also be examined. After the analysis, it was possible to conclude that the ongoing project developed by Colégio Santo Inácio proves itself to be a doable educational project, however with some important aspects to be reviewed and reshaped.This way, this research intends to highlight the importance of developing human and academic educational projects. At the end of this paper, some interventional suggestions will be presented in order to pursuit understandings for these aspects. The author hopes that this work may not only offer a practical contribution to the learning process developed by this institution but also may demonstrate the viability of such educational project.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão Educacionalpt_BR
dc.subjectEducational Managementen
dc.titleUm novo sujeito para o mundo: elementos da formação para o humano e o Socialpt_BR

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