A análise econômica do direito e a crítica hermenêutica do direito podem coexistir? uma análise a partir da uniformização da jurisprudência aos negócios jurídicos processuais e os limites da atuação do juiz
Giannakos, Demétrio Beck da Silva
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The present dissertation deals with three specific chapters that, in the same way, are completed. In the first, it is correlated to the Critical Hermeneutics of Law (CHD) with the Law and Economics (AED), legal chains which, in the year 2017, went through moments of friction at the national level, making the legal debate difficult among defenders of each area. In this first chapter, an analysis of the coherence and integrity defended by Lenio Streck and Ronald Dworkin was made, based on article 926 of the CPC, as a need to standardize jurisprudence in our legal system. Likewise, the same juridical device was justified from the Law and Economics, as a way to reduce transaction costs for litigants and for the Judiciary itself. In a second chapter, a more specific analysis was made of the atypical procedural legal business, foreseen in article 190 of the CPC, based on the Law and Economics. In this case, it is used as theoretical basis the doctrine pertinent to contracts and AED, as a way of sustaining a decrease in transaction costs, as well as a greater efficiency of the process, especially for the fact that the parties, through the agreed legal transaction, can modify procedural rules aiming at a greater speed of the same. Lastly, in the last chapter, the limits of the judge are discussed when analyzing the agreed legal transaction. The object is to demonstrate the need for the court to maintain and honor the will of the parties agreed upon, otherwise it will offend the autonomy of the will materialized by the legal transaction signed.Nenhuma