The Jesuit Educational Network – RJE – through the Common Educational Project – PEC – points two founding actions to Education in the present time: the displacement of the axis with centrality on teaching to the multilateralism in the learning increases the possibilities of the integral formation of the actors who build the daily life of their schools. Mobilized by this reference, the present study, realized through bibliographic research, proposes the articulation between Emotional Intelligence, the BNCC competences and Ignatian Pedagogical Dimensions as a tool to achieve the integral formation in the contemporary age. The analysis of the official documents from the Jesuit Educational Network – Education Characteristics of the Society of Jesus; Ignatian pedagogical practices, a practical proposal; Common Educational Project of the Society of Jesus for Latin America and the Common Educational Project of the Jesuit Educational Network (PEC- 2016), the proposal of competences to the 21st Century, suggested by BNCC and the constructs of the theorists of Emotional Intelligence, stem from Howard Gardner and Daniel Goleman – provokes tessituras and possible dialogues between the three propositions and may become the driving force to lead the proposed actions by RJE to a concrete reality.