Análise do desempenho térmico e consumo de energia de edificação residencial vertical que atende aos critérios da NBR 15575:2013
Due to the complexity of evaluating the performance aspects of a building through the user’s perception, this study aims to analyze the thermal performance of vertical residential buildings and the ratio with the energy consumption during their lenght of occupancy by means of computational simulation. This work aims to analyze vertical residential buildings classified as higher level ones according to the NBR 15.575: 2013 – Edificações habitacionais – Desempenho (Residential Buildings – Performance), certified by the Instituto Tecnológico em Desempenho e Construção civil – itt Performance (Performance and Civil Construction Technological Institute – itt Performance) in their project and implementation phases and to evaluate the factors that influence energy consumption. This case study compares them to another building delivered before the force of the NBR 15.575: 2013 located in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre - RS. Information on the energy consumption of the apartments was collected through monthly readings on the digital energy meters of each housing unit, from April to July 2018. Based on the result of the energy consumption by reading, analyzing both buildings and different facades, it is possible to state that, the building classified in the upper level of thermal performance did not demonstrate energy consumption lower than the building with minimum level of thermal performance, in the months analyzed and with the variables used, that did not consider habits of the occupants of the apartments.Nenhuma