O papel dos múltiplos atores no design para mudança de comportamento
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Almeida, Henrique Bittencourt
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Deconstructing habits and behaviors that are already impregnated in people’s routine and turn it into something positive for them are complex tasks. The perception of this problematic's importance had risen the designers to start the search for knowledge about the subject in the field of behavioral psychology, thus leading to the emergence of a field recognized as design for behavior change "DfBC". Therefore, it was identified that the research established until then, briefly addressed the role and the participation of all the actors (designer, user and professionals from other knowledge areas) involved in the design process. From this perception on, the present research approached how the designer and the other actors can contribute in an interdisciplinary way to the project process, into the design perspective for behavior change. The methodological course included the elaboration of strategies and materials for later application in three cycles of workshops. After this, semi-structured interviews were carried out, for later analysis through the technique of content analysis. Its concluded that supply of materials and tools, can stimulate the relationships between these actors in different manners. It was observed that designers and psychologists divided decision making and group leadership throughout the design process. In turn, the users acted as informers of their experiences, but their actions were surrounded by conflicts and contradictions. The technical knowledge of the nutritionists were useful throughout the process, however, this actor had a less active participation than the other participants. In view of these observations, it is concluded that three profiles of actors must always be present in DfBC projects, regardless of the design theme, are: (i) designer; (ii) user and (iii) psychologist. However, a fourth actor to join the group should be aggregate, the specialist of the specific area of the project theme. Also presented are guidelines to be applied in projects involving professionals from these different areas of knowledge. Finally, design guidelines are proposed that objective to stimulate and contribute to future studies about design for behavior change and the participation of different actors in project processes.Nenhuma