A emergência das comunidades quilombolas como fenômeno político no Ceará: Sítio Arruda, no município de Araripe
This research proposes to study the process of organization of communities of remnants of quilombolas, focusing on localities and specific temporalities, that is, the place is the state of Ceará and the preferred chronological framework was demarcated by the 20 years that preceded the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988 until nowadays. In this sense, the analysis is centered in a quilombola community that is the Arruda Site. However, other communities are used, with less depth, in order to understand the regional quilombola field: Encantado do Bom Jardim and Lagoa das Pedras; Alto Alegre, Adjacência and Base; Brutos; and Três Irmãos. It was analyzed how these communities emerged, how they were organized, how they are maintained and what historical factors were motivators for this process of social organization. In relation to these motivating factors, it was noticed that the first one was that the remnants of quilombolas were forced by the necessity of survival, since they underwent a historical process of social exclusion, that crossed several generations, from those of the slave-like period; the second was that they were stimulated by the emergence of black defense movements, from the late 1960s, mobilizations made during the period of the military dictatorship, influencers of the conquest of rights to be guaranteed in the Constitution of 1988; and the third factor was that they came to conquer, in fact, the constitutional rights, when the Government of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, by means of decree nº 4.887, of November 20, 2003, initiated the implantation of the processes titling of occupied lands. In this way, the investigation maintains relation with the social and racial resistance, contemplating the political actions of the rulers. With regard to internal relations in communities, the research sought to show the role of leadership and how they plan to prepare the new generations.IFCE - Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará