Construção do inimigo interno: Circulação de imagens e informação como metodologia repressiva no brasil entre os anos de 1968 e 1975
This dissertation aims to analyze the building of the inside enemy image through some printed posters copies produced by security and information public agencies, composed of images and slogans related to people considered “terrorists”, used to public exposure in the years of 1968 and 1975, during the Brazil national security Civil-Military Dictatorship’s period, in the National Security’s Doctrine. These posters, called “wanted terrorist posters” were proposed considering a hunt and fight regulation towards a so-called “subversive” element. Initially, these posters were publicized in order to identify, recognize and report the inside enemy, defining them as a repressive and methodic praxis, whose repercussion in the social context drew in the population not only to a watching and denouncing’s process, as well as would infuse fear and insecurity in the social fabric. A set of copies of these posters, called “collections”, added to documents made by security and information public agencies, as well as other ones produced by DEOPS and some newspapers from that period, like Veja, Folha de São Paulo, and O Estado de São Paulo, made possible a proper sources crossing, in order to achieve the adequate inferences resulting from this dissertation. Divided into four chapters, this dissertation starts from the introduction about the theme and its specifications, going to the next chapter where is discussed the information service and its large network, then the posters copies’ collections content analysis according to its composition, and finally in the last chapter a study about the main facts in the aforementioned newspapers, their relations with the posters and the official versions allegedly attributed to “terrorists”, selected according to the protagonism of these individuals in those posters and the “official versions of suicide and gunfight”, bore from security and information public agencies, publicized by the press. The diffusion and production of these posters collections proved to be an advertisement made by the dictatorship’s regime which was willing to build an inside enemy’s image whose projection was used to introduce to the society the nation’s enemy face. This repressive práxis based itself on the national security law principles’ and DSN ones, produced in an authoritarian government which placed itself as a legitimate one, displaying itself as a coercion and repressive method, among others already known.Nenhuma