Respostas não-conformativas em interações entre médicos/as e gestantes de médio e alto risco: um olhar sobre as ações e implicações dessas respostas
This master’s dissertation consists of a subproject of a larger study, entitled “A mobilização do saber e do fazer: episteme e deonticidade na fala-em-interação institucional e na conversa cotidiana”. (OSTERMANN, 2016). It investigates non-conformative answers in Brazilian Portuguese to polar questions and wh-questions, more specifically, specifying questions. All the consultations audio recorded were held at a public health system hospital located in southern Brazil and the interactions consist of genetic counseling, morphological and fetal ultrasound and echocardiography. The data analysis is based on a conversational analytical perspective. (SACKS; SCHEGLOFF; JEFFERSON, 1974). The objective of this dissertation is to analyze and describe the actions and implications of non-conformative answers provided by doctors to moderate and high pregnancy women. The results indicate that non-conformative answers and transformative, indirect and clausal responses present similar characteristics. (STIVERS, HAYASHI, 2010; WALKER; DREW; LOCAL, 2011; FOX; THOMSPON, 2011). However, transformative answers of specification and replacement engender greater interactive work for the respondent, as well as transformative answers of focus and presupposition. Additionally, we have identified a kind of transformative answer that has not been described in the literature yet: transformative answers that postpone the provision of the information. These kind of answers have been identified as answers to polar questions as well as wh-questions on the kind of specifying questions. We have observed that these answers occur in moments that reveal to be interactionally delicate, for instance, delivery of bad news, fetal death risk, and risks arising from medical procedures. We have concluded that transformative answers that postpone the provision of the information are a way to adjust the talk taking into consideration the interlocutor and the potential delicacy of the actions involved in that interactional sequence. Finally, we understand that transformative answers allow the interlocutor to resist to the constraints of the questions and also control the agenda of the interaction.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior