A responsabilidade enunciativa em reportagens de divulgação científica e sua materialização no quadro pré-citação
This thesis, situated within the scope of Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA), presents the results of our investigation, which investigates how the linguistic phenomenon of Enunciative Responsibility (ER) is materialized on reported speech segments on the main texts of scientific dissemination news articles, written for the lay public, which are compositionally organized as dossiers, with the purpose of verifying what the observable patterns can disclose with regard to the (non-)assumption of ER or to the argumentative orientation given to texts by the speaker/enunciator, considering their discursive purposes. More specifically, (1) we identified linguistic or typographic strategies of RE materialization that emerged within the following categories: (i) different types of speech representation and (ii) indication of mediating instances, which are subdivided into (a) type of convoked voice and designation, (b) type of reported speech, (c) type of introductory verb of reported speech; and (d) type of posture and enunciative effacement; (2) we describe and analyze strategies of RE materialization in these subcategories, in order to confirm its possible relevance to the respective argumentative orientation; (3) we verify how the organization of individual or third-party PdV reveals the (non-)assumption of RE; (4) we establish the degree of engagement or disengagement expressed in the main texts; (5) we compare the results with the purpose of identifying the tendency revealed through the genre analysis. The research work includes description, analysis and interpretation of a corpus composed of three samples of the dossier discourse genre, published on Superinteressante magazine. It is a bibliographical, documentary study, carrying a quantitative and qualitative analysis, based on two from the eight analytical categories proposed by Adam (2011, 2012). In order to observe the category (ii) indication of mediating instances, we base our analysis in Guentchéva (1990, 1994, 1996, 2011), who developed the mediation category (MGC). In addition, as theoretical support, we take into account the considerations of Rabatel (2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016) and Rabatel and Chauvin-Vileno (2006) concerning the notions of syncretism, speaker/enunciator, Point of View (POV), prise en charge énonciative, imputation, posture and enunciative effacement. This theoretical framework points to the necessity of unfolding the categories (i) e (ii) into the above-mentioned subcategories (a), (b), (c) and (d), which optimize the analysis. Thus, in order to integrate more refined classifications to these subcategories, we also based our study on the following authors: Alrahabi and Desclés (2009), Calsamiglia and Cassany (2011), Calsamiglia and López Ferrero (2003), Desclés (2009, 2016), Maingueneau (2002), Marnette (2004), Thompson and Yiyun (1991) and Petit (2000). Concerning the genre, we searched in Charaudeau (2006, 2008a, 2009, 2016) subsidies for the study of science mediatization discourse, such as the communication contract; and from Adam and Lugrin (2000, 2006) and Lugrin (2000, 2001) we sought bases for the study of the multitext’s or dossier’s compositional configuration. Regarding the main results of this research, we observed that speakers/enunciators exert their influence as super-enunciators and establish the respective argumentative orientation, in view of their discursive purposes. In addition, the thesis reveals the importance of strategic choices marked on reported speech textual segments as productive tools for genre studies. We highlight that the theoretical combination chosen in this research is able to offer a more comprehensive vision concerning the ER phenomenon in this genre, an instrument of analysis to scientific mediatization discourse producers, as well as a contribution to studies in Applied Linguistics.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos