O programa recriar como cenário de práticas significativas em educação não formal: caminhos da Gestão Participativa
This study is the result of research into the possibility of construing, within a non-formal educational space, significant educational practices that translate the collective view of the parties involved, by means of participative educational management. The theoretical outline of this study is based on the work of different authors regarding non-formal education and the importance of participative management as a means of construing significant educational practices in non-formal spaces. The methodology used in this research is qualitative, given the propositional and participative nature of the collective construction of significant educational practices within the non-formal educational space of “Recreate Program”, the empirical object of this work. In this sense, the study adopted the “action research” methodology, which offers the best tools for collective educational construction. A group of persons, identified in this study as “Recreate Program Committee”, were chosen to participate in the study, based on their influence on, and their value to, the “Recreate Program”. The “Recreate Program Committee” met on twelve occasions in order to dialogue in a participative manner towards the construction of a new educational project for “Recreate Program”. Data was collected both through participative observation and through field diaries. Analysis of the data collected bore three significant findings: the first, relates to the participation (or non-participation/silence) of research subjects; second, the way in which subjects contributed to the construction of significant educational practices for “Recreate Program”; and third, the outline of the educational project which will be destined to “Recreate Program”, as well as the implementation and intervention follow-up work that will ensue at the end of this research. In conclusion, the results show that it is possible to create, in a collective manner, significant educational practices for “Recreate Program”, construing objectives, intentionalities and modes of action that seek to promote the integral education of a human being, which is one of the main objectives of non-formal education.Nenhuma