Sentidos de protagonismo juvenil nas políticas curriculares para o Ensino Médio no sul do Brasil
This thesis aims to analyze the meaning of juvenile protagonism derived from the curricular policies for the Secondary School in Brazil, implemented between the periods from 2007 to 2017. Therefore, International documents that influence the definition of curriculum guidelines for Secondary School; National documents that contribute to the definition of these curriculum norms; as well as State documents from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Paraná, referred to the curriculum guidelines stablished for the Secondary school in each State, were examined. Such documents are problematized regarding to their discourse attached to the Legislation that guides the educational practices in the various education State systems under the perspective of an individualized society, reflecting upon the impact of the historical changes in the social processes and educational currently, seeking to understand and analyze the context oriented by the concept of historic and social epistemology. The proposed research is inscribed in the theoretical area of the Curriculum Studies, focusing on three main pillars, being that: Youth, Secondary School, and Curriculum Policies, under the juvenile protagonism means. After wide analytic activity, there are presented three senses of juvenile protagonism that lead on examined texts, which are: protagonism as a pedagogical intervention methodology, protagonism as culture for the work and protagonism as strategy for cultural appropriation. This research study is concluded by enlarging the debate with the proposition of new strategies for the applicability of the concept of juvenile protagonism.Nenhuma