Impactos da integração comercial entre o Brasil e a União Europeia: uma análise de equilíbrio geral computável
This study employs the Computable General Equilibrium Model Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP, V.9) to assess the impact of a preferential trade agreement between Brazil and the EU and between MERCOSUR and the EU on trade flows, GDP and welfare of these regions. Four simulations involving Brazil, MERCOSUR and the EU, considering different levels of integration, are implemented in order to identify the most beneficial scenario for Brazil. Results show that the welfare gain generated by a Brazil-EU trade deal is higher than the gains arising from an agreement between Mercosur and the EU. Reducing NTBs tends to maximize the results for both agreements. Impacts are particularly positive for Brazil’s agricultural and food industries, which may, however, deepen the regressive pattern of specialization of the country’s exports.Nenhuma