Empreendedorismo e design thinking : um estudo sobre a articulação da etapa inicial dos processos de design thinking com as etapas iniciais de novos empreendimentos
This work has aims to to analyze the articulation of the initial stage of the design thinking processes with the initial stages of the entrepreneurship process. With the growth in the number of people wanting to undertake alternatives to identify better means of planning and undertaking are important in order to minimize risks and obtain better results. To understand how the initial stage of design thinking can articulate with the entrepreneurial process in the initial stages, Studies and papers on entrepreneurship were reviewed, as well as papers about entrepreneurship process, strategic design, design thinking and design thinking processes. In the field research, an exploratory qualitative approach was proceeded, through interviews (pre and post workshops), and workshops, through the initial steps of the design thinking process, with entrepreneurs who were in the early stages of their entrepreneurial processes. The discussions and conclusion point to possible articulations of the initial processes of design thinking with the initial stages of the entrepreneurship process.Nenhuma