Tratamento do agregado reciclado de concreto por carbonatação e por impregnação com microfinos de cerâmica vermelha
Research has been developing ways to mitigate water absorption effects from recycled concrete aggregates use in new concrete mixtures, so that the mechanical and durability characteristics of these aggregates and the concretes that use it are improved. In this sense, the carbonation and impregnation in solution of pozzolans are highlighted. This study aimed to evaluate the treatment of coarse recycled concrete aggregate (CRCA) by carbonation and impregnation of red ceramic microfines (RCM) powder for use in concrete mixtures. To evaluate the treatment of the CRCA, water absorption of the aggregates, reduction over time and electrical resistivity of the concretes in the fresh state were performed, as well as compressive strength and water absorption by capillarity in the hardened state. It was also carried out by scanning electron microscope of the aggregates and the transition zone with new mortars. It was also performed by analysis of scanning electron microscope aggregates and the transition zone with new mortar. Finally, was conducted analysis of the reduction in the generation of carbon dioxide from the use of CRCAs and carbonation. As results, there is a reduction in the water absorption of the aggregates, also verified by the electrical resistivity in the fresh state. The slump loss did not present significant differences by changes on aggregate type used. The mechanical properties of the concrete containing CRCA treated by RCM are comparable to those of concrete containing only natural aggregates, and the concrete containing carbonated CRCAs do not significantly reduce the strengths. The capillary water absorption was reduced when using concrete with carbonate aggregates and increased for concrete with CRCA treated with RCW, in a similar way to other works that used pozolanas. Analyzing CO2 emissions alone from the recycled aggregates, the reduction of 40% is achieved using these and 49% by the carbonation of them. On the other hand, when the eco-efficiency of the emissions per MPa is verified considering the cement consumption, this difference is reduced so that the relative emissions present themselves with similar values.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior