To assess the impacts caused by floods, we can use altimetry and the calculation of the flood area as tools for prevention and mitigation of new cases. With the advancement of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers and techniques available for professional use, it is possible to determine, in a short period of time, a set of technical information necessary for a rapid analysis of the situation at the time of the occurrence of the fact, or also soon after the event occurred. This article presents a comparison between altimetry and positioning of points in the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system obtained through geometric leveling, trigonometric leveling, static GNSS receiver survey, GNSS receiver in RTK mode Kinematic) and GNSS receivers in RTX (Real 2 Time Extended) mode. For these analyzes, topographic points created by the author were implanted in a locality subject to floods in the municipality of Portão / RS. One of the main findings was that the differences found in altimetry are more significant than the differences found in the positional coordinates of the control points, but when analyzing the factor of speed and precision required, we can see that these new technologies can be of great value for the monitoring and flood prevention.