Análise comparativa entre suportes para janelamento na técnica Shape From Focus
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Silva, Marcelo Robson de Azevedo Martins da
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There are many techniques for reconstructing three-dimensional objects in a computer, some are used in controlled environments and others in environments that do not require great precision. Shape From Focus is one of the well-known method that uses a stack of cropped photographs with different focal settings to reconstruct a fairly accurate depth map. This method obtains greater stability in the reconstruction of very small objects or microscopes, but has recently been used for reconstruction of environments. As a result, the Shape From Focus reconstruction model began to process greater amounts of interference in the photo stack, such as lens distortion, increased depth of field, zoom effect, among others, as well as noise Introduced by the environment. This work analyzes the effects of the adaptive support for the evaluation window of the focus quality meter of the Shape From Focus method. Although different works on this theme use several variations of the evaluation window, the adaptive support can provide an alternative to find the stability and confidence in obtaining the depth map, limiting the error introduced by global interferences.Nenhuma