Da deposição de João Goulart ao impeachment de Dilma Rousseff: um estudo comparativo de editoriais dos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Globo
The paper investigates how discursive operations manifested in the editorials of the newspapers O Globo and Folha de S. Paulo about the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff (2016) update operations registered in the editorials of the same newspapers around the deposition of João Goulart (1964). It is a study of discursive reading (VERÓN, 2004) subdivided into two levels of analysis based on the concepts of production grammars, enunciation and reading contract (VERÓN, 2004; FAUSTO NETO, 1991). The first one, inspired by Mouillaud (1997), refers to the discursive surfaces, which we understand as the aesthetic, technical and graphical aspects which can indicate levels of opinion. We developed the comparative between editions of the newspaper O Globo in 1964 and 2016 and Folha de S. Paulo in 1964 and 2016. Finally, we made a transversal analysis between O Globo and Folha. The same process was prioritized in discursive operations, with the objective of recovering production conditions from the editorials about the deposition of João Goulart (1964) and the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff (2016). The editorial construction of the events goes back two distinct contexts, for that reason the investigation provides reflections on the society of the media and the society in the process of mediatization, mainly its effects on the enunciation.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior