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dc.contributor.advisorRibeiro, Darci Guimarães
dc.contributor.authorSá, Priscila Zeni de
dc.description.abstractThe research starts from the contemporary social context, especially from the crises of the state and representative democracy. There is a loss of credibility of legislative power and consequent protagonism of the Judiciary, and therefore the access to justice becomes considered a mean of citizen participation. The law must meet the demands and social needs. The unitary view of the legal system legitimizes the judicial activism in its positive aspect. The overcoming of subsumption as a method of application of principles and rules, aroused the study of a new perspective of standard and the judicial decision: the understanding for Karl Engisch or the achievement for Friedrich Müller. In both the standard creation occurs in the case for your individual solution. All this from the prospective dimension of Luiz Edson Fachin, which allows the constant reconstruction of Civil Law, especially combining theory and practice, doctrine and jurisprudence, law and reality, in a true hermeneutic circle gadameriano where no distinction is made between understanding, interpretation and application. The problem of this thesis focuses on the legitimacy of interpreter actions in fulfilling general clauses, at the same time that proposes parameters for such activity. By the phenomenological method hermeneutics, as well as through empirical research through a case study, it was demonstrated, by the technique of content analysis, that the judiciary applies the general clauses, but do not fulfill them. In the face of this observation it is proposed parameters for the fulfilment of general clauses: the topical allows linking to concret case, the reasoning creates the need for correct use of the standards, teaching, law and precedent, and, finally, the dialog between the sources which allows the opening of the right to written and unwritten standards, always by means of a constitutional interpretation.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.publisherFURB - Universidade Regional de Blumenau
dc.subjectDireito civil-constitucionalpt_BR
dc.subjectCivil-constitucional lawen
dc.titleLegitimidade do poder judiciário no preenchimento de cláusulas gerais na perspectiva do estado democrático de direito e da constitucionalização do direito civilpt_BR

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