Efetiva transformação com gestão de processos de negócios – BPM
The Business Process Management (BPM) has been adopted by organizations to solve potential problems in the interactions of organizational activities, thus providing greater operational efficiency and improved service levels, which meet and improve the customer experience toward products and services. For this adoption, business processes undergo BPM projects, which aims to understand how a certain stage of organization operates, eliminating waste, and redesigning the process adhering to best practices and new concepts. After these project phases, actions are established that will transform the business process from the current state to the future. It is in this context of post project that this study of cases aims to analyze the "why" and "how" business processes effectively transformed. The "why" is the analysis of the variables that influence the effective transformation, and the variables are based on concepts of Routinization, Infusion and Cultural Change. And the "how" is based on BPM projects, their techniques, methods, tools and deliverables, setting leading standards. In the execution of this research, literature searches were performed to establish the main concepts, enabling clear definitions of the variables involved. The research was based on a multiple case study through interview data collection techniques and secondary data. The concepts, variables, questions and interview guide were validated with experts using Focus Group. After validation of the research instrument, interviews were conducted with organizations that had implemented BPM projects and their processes were in operation at the instant of the research. The data collection, along with the secondary data, obtained enough information for segmentation, coding and analysis. In the analysis, to measure the effective transformation, were established levels of influence, negative, neutral and positive, for each variable. Thus, the effective transformation of business processes could be analyzed through the composition of the influences of variables, extended use, use in integration, budget, staff, training, corporate governance, supply and maintenance, individual attitudes towards change and sharing knowledge. The result of the study shows that extended use variable was the most negatively influenced the effective transformation of the cases and, on the other hand, the variable corporate governance was the most influenced positively. In the analysis of leading patterns through the techniques, methods, tools and deliverables used in their BPM projects, a analysis called code density was used. From this density could be seen that Brainstorming, BPMN and Interviews are the most used among the techniques, methods, tools and deliverables of the cases. Therefore, these analyzes generated content for discussions that extended from the facilitators and barriers to effective transformation, through a parallel 7 between the conceptual and observed effective transformation until the techniques, methods, tools and deliverables that more were used.Nenhuma