Tempos líquidos, paredes sólidas: percepções das relações tempo/espaço no currículo escolar
This dissertation presents a study on the school institution, problematizing the contemporary time and space in its articulation within the curriculum. This study was developed at a public elementary municipal school in Porto Alegre, and sought to analyze the ways in which contemporary time / space relationships are perceived in the daily life by the teachers of this institution, and how such relationships affect the curriculum. The research was based on three axes: time, space and curriculum; and as methodological tools, a focal group and interviews were used, complemented with the analysis of some documents of the institution. This work is organized in three parts: “Presenting the research or choosing the flaps”; “Composing the research or putting together the patchwork” and “Presenting the intervention proposal or delivering the quilt”. The composition of the text with the use of the metaphor of tecitura constitutes a key element in this work, approaching the research of handicraft, whose destiny cannot be foreseen. This is related to the theme; to the idea of suspension of time, proposed by Larrosa, Masschelein and Simons; and to Veyne's historical plot. Thus, in the first part, this dissertation exposes the research scenario and articulates the trajectory of the researcher within the research inquiries; it shows other studies that deal with this issue; and presents the definition of the problem and the methodology used. The second part takes a historical dip in Modernity, showing how the emergence of the modern subject and the constitution of the school machinery takes place. It also addresses the concerns of this research: with time, in which it makes reflections from the studies of authors such as Elias, Bergson and Bauman, and concepts such as duration, solidity and liquidity; with space, which brings some questions about the school space, the docilization and disciplining of the bodies, dialoguing with authors such as Foucault, Veyne, Gallo, Noguera-Ramírez; and concerns with the curriculum, that makes a history of the curriculum and studies about it, and problematizes some issues that have become normalized, in which authors like Veiga-Neto, Silva, Corazza, Deleuze, Guattari, Lopes, Lopez-Ruiz contribute for such problematization. In this part, there are the analyzes of the speeches and interviews given in the focus group. The third part of the dissertation presents the intervention’ proposal, which was chosen in the focus group: teacher training. Finally, it was verified that the investigated subjects perceive the school as a potent space, but they find themselves run over by speed, fluidity, insecurity, excess of attributions and bureaucracies. Therefore, teacher training is considered to be of fundamental importance for the researched group, constituting itself as a potential space for contemporaneity to be understood and, from this, the school curriculum can be (re) thought. Thus, teachers’ training becomes a possibility to face the challenges attributed to teachers and schools, with the imperative of productivity, where curricula are increasingly turning to results.Nenhuma