As informações financeiras e os modelos de negócios no Brasil
Considering the increasing interest of the Business Model (MN - Modelo de Negócios, in Portuguese) concept in the accounting literature, in response to texts issued by regulators such as IASB1,FRC2,EFRAG3 , which nowadays consider this concept, this study aims to evaluate how Brazilian companies communicate about their business model(s) in the published information; Identifying the disclosure channels used to exhibit the MN concepts, measuring how they are disclosed by the companies, using a definition and a specific theoretical pattern and identifying which are the determinants of financial and non-financial information disclosure in Brazil compared to the model of business. It shows that from the 15,896 MN registration units, the great majority (41.4%) refers to the "Economic Equation" component and in particular elements related to the costs (19.9%) and the incomes ( 9.7%) dynamics, presented in a quantitative way, including a prospective dimension. It was found that 107 companies evoke all the elements related to one of the four corresponding parameters (only 3 without citation, concerning 3 parameters of the components). It was verified the existence of interrelationships between the components and their respective parameters, being the largest number of the economic equation component, 50%, and proposition of value, 47.8%. The analysis of disclosure determinants shows that family companies invest less in the disclosure of MN compared to companies with participation of capital not owned by large shareholders and by institutional investors (pension funds, insurance companies, foundations, banks of investments, etc.). This study has as contribution to the field to measure the presence of MN concept and its components in financial communication of Brazilian companies. It is remarkable the need of go forward in information of the value chain as a whole, in such way it could be usable by investors.Nenhuma