A educação das relações étnico-raciais treze anos após a aprovação da lei 10.639/2003: estudo com base nas concepções dos estudantes concluintes do ensino fundamental (rede municipal de ensino de São Leopoldo/RS
Taking into consideration the thirteen years since the enactment of the law which makes ethno-racial relations education mandatory, the theme of this investigation addresses the conceptions on ethno-racial relations education present in the testimony of students graduating from middle school as from their experiences in two schools of the Municipal Network of São Leopoldo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the year of 2016. As its general goal, this research aims to understand how students concluding middle school conceive ethno-racial relations education according to their own school experiences and - based on these conceptions –to reflect on the reach of ethno-racial relations education in the local level. As its specific goals, this study seeks to: contextualize the introduction of the subject of ethno-racial relations education in the school curriculum and its relationship with school realities in the Municipality of São Leopoldo; analyze, in the local level, the limits and the possibilities of effecting ethno-racial relations education in schools; identify knowledge/reflections on ethno-racial relations education constructed by students concluding middle school, based on their school experiences. This master’s thesis strived to answer the following research question: what are the conceptions on ethno-racial relations education presented by students of the Municipal Education Network of São Leopoldo upon concluding middle school, and how does the analysis of these formulations enable the reflection on the progress and the limitations, in the local level, of Law 10.639/03, thirteen years after its enactment? To answer this question, a qualitative study was performed, empirically based on documental analysis, interviews, and questionnaire application. Students concluding middle school in the schools of the municipality of São Leopoldo conceive ethno-racial education based on the suffering of the black population during the slavery period. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the cultural materials circulating throughout the schools end up contributing to a curriculum that is mainly signified in terms of this victimizing notion.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior