Governança de fundos de pensão brasileiros e a rentabilidade dos respectivos investimentos
The assets of Brazilian private pension funds (PPFs) are formed by the financial contributions of its sponsors or its founders, as well as of its participants. These fund’s governance structure is established by law and regulated by public agencies. This governance structure aims to mitigate conflicts of interest, towards improved economic and financial efficiency of the PPF. Thus, the objective of this study is to examine whether there is a positive relationship between the level of governance and the profitability of the Brazilian PPFs. The research sample includes 141 Brazilian PPF, with data covering the years 2011 to 2014, resulting on a total of 423 observations. The analysis of the research problem was performed through Generalized Least Squares (GLS) technique, for pooled data. The dependent variable is the PPF’s profitability, with the PPF’s Return on Investments (RI) as proxy. The explanatory variable of interest is the level of governance. The level of governance was measured by an index constructed by a total of 33 indicators representative of governance practices. These governance indicators were established through a review of the Brazilian legislation on PPFs, guidelines and recommendations of public agencies and literature on the subject. Data was collected from PPFs statutes and annual reports, available on their web pages. The result of this research indicates a positive relationship between profitability and governance of PPFs. That is, PPFs with better levels of governance have better return on investments. This study may contribute to the understanding of participants and beneficiaries on the importance of governance in PPFs and, hopefully, foster a greater use of governance practices by these entities.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior