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Como o inventário periódico pode contribuir na redução de perdas nas lojas de conveniência: um estudo de caso na loja de conveniência do posto abastecedora de combustíveis Porto Alegre Ltda
The objective of this article is to map and analyze inventory and loss management in a convinience store through performing periodic inventories. Merchandise in stock representes a large part of the capital or companies that work in retail. How inventories and losses are managed directly affects a company’s finances and can result in the need for working capital and financing, which will be obtained at the cost of interest charges and financial expenses, thus reducing profitability. The article was based on descriptive and qualitative research, through a case study. Control methods and techniques must be applied accordint to the company’s needs and structure. The implementation of an efficient stock control system through performing periodic enventories results in varios benefits for the company. They provide managers with knowledge about the whole process of movement or merchandise, as well as conditions for management of loss reduction, with the engagement or the personnel involved in the store’s operation, to achieve the greater objective of companies which is cost reduction. Inventory management is a beneficial tool for administrators to manage resourses and reduce expenses. With technological advances, globalization and competitiveness, managers are responsible to balance and boost profitability and, consequently, inventory is extremely important and must always be reduced, as well as lossess. Investiment in stock must be done in a conscious and precise way, without waste or creating idle inventory. For this to happen, they must, in addition to having competitive prices in the market, reduce their expenses to the maximum, but in a healthy way that does not negatively affect the company’s image. In every area of retail, some expenses are enevitable, such as inventory losses, but they can be controlled and minimized. In the company studied, it was noted that after performing periodic inventories, there was a reduction in the loss rate wih a direct impact on income, as well as better control over inventory.