Proposta de índice de qualidade para sistemas compostos por motores elétricos de indução alimentados por dispositivos eletrônicos variadores de velocidade
This work aims to discuss the various factors that produce the burning of induction motors fed by frequency inverters. With the advancement of power electronics and the increased need for speed variation of induction motors in industrial applications, the use of frequency inverters has become increasingly widespread. Because of this fact, a new concern arose among the manufacturers and users of electric motors with regard to the quality of the insulation system, since it became the object of study that the high switching frequencies of the frequency inverters cause peaks of voltage over the Terminals of electric motors, which may lead to the rupture of the dielectric of the insulation material, requiring more resistant insulation systems. This study presents the heating of the motor in its general structure, causing the deterioration of the insulation of the conductors, as well as physical phenomena directly involved. The constructive characteristics of the induction motors and the degree of their engagement in relation to the increase in the temperature of the electric motor trigger an "early aging" of the engine. Therefore, the study of thermal behavior has become essential in the design of an electric induction motor. In addition to discussing the different factors that produce the combustion of induction motors fed by frequency inverters, the present work proposes the creation of energy quality indices for these cases, in order to be useful in studies on the useful life of the Electric motor The methodology used to construct these indices contemplates a harmonic average between the quality indices of the inverter, cable and motor proposed in this work. In addition, it aims to provide data to be used in new equipment projects that can measure these indices.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos